Review 60394 - ATV and Otter Habitat
by Nuno Sousa

Review 60394 - ATV and Otter Habitat

Jan 15, 2023

When I looked at this set I must have thought the same as most of you: “Wow otters!!!”

LEGO 60394 - ATV and Otter Habitat
LEGO 60394 – ATV and Otter Habitat

Yes it’s true. LEGO once again presented us with a new animal (and soon 2 at once), in a cheap and interesting set.
But talking a little about the set. As the name implies, we have to divide it into 2 parts: All-Terrain Vehicle and the Habitat for the Otters.

We’ve seen a number of vehicles like this over the years, so there’s little to nothing to innovate, especially at this price point. But if we look closely, we see that we have an element in a new colour, as the mudguard is presented for the first time in green. I liked the detail of including an area for carrying accessories (a camera and a walkie-talkie).


Fast-forward to the best of this small set, the otter habitat. It’s a small scene, which is to be expected for the value of the set, but I can say that it’s pretty good for the value. Good details and colour choice. In addition to the habitat, we have 4 animals, 2 otters (with very well achieved colour details, reminiscent of the new squirrels released in 2022), a green frog and a fish.

The Otter Habitat for the set 60394
The Otter Habitat

The tree zone could be better. I would prefer that they had not put the vehicle and improved this area, or else cost a little more and have more details in this area. But you can’t have everything, and for a set of this price it’s wonderful.


As expected in this type of sets, we only have one minifigure available.
I was amazed that it wasn’t another one of the Wildlife Rescue collection. Do not understand this as a complaint, but just a surprise, because they chose an interesting minifigure, with good colours, where green predominates in 2 tones, one darker and one lighter.

The Minifigure included in the set
The Minifigure included in the set

The head is double-sided. To go with it, we have a helmet to ride on the bike or else a hair element to wear off the bike.

Parts and value

A set with 90 pieces, with a cost of €9.99. Undoubtedly an excellent value for what we have in this set.
The inclusion of the new animals will make it a huge success (at the time of writing this review, the set has already been sold out for about 2 weeks).

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